GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 class 3 in Gujarat - Revenue Talati Bharti
GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 class 3 in Gujarat - Revenue Talati Bharti
GSSSB REVENUE TALATI BHARTI 2018 - Gujarat gaun seva pasandagi mandal (GSSSB) will declare Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 for 1800 posts soon. Revenue Talati Bharti is one of the most famous job in Gujarat government due to salary and job safety. Gujarat Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 was already delayed as from January 2018 all students are waiting for official announcement for GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 in Gujarat for 1800+ vacancy. Here we provide all information regarding GSSSB class 3 Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 such as:
Revenue Talati Recruitment
Revenue Talati Bharti Notification
Revenue Talati syllabus
Revenue Talati eligibility criteria
Revenue Talati exam pattern
Revenue Talati Bharti selection procedure
Important dates Revenue Talati.
Revenue Talati PDF materials
Revenue Talati Bharti Model papers (More than 60)
Revenue Talati old papers
Revenue Talati Bharti related updates.
GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti Recruitment 2018:
In Gujarat government announced that for two village one Revenue Talati mantri must be allotted. So in Gujarat 3500+ Revenue Talati Recruitment was already done in 2016-2017. So now remained Revenue Talati Recruitment Vacancy is 3500 but recently during Gujarat budget announcement mahesul mantri shree kaushik Patel announced that in Gujarat 1800+ Recruitment of Revenue Talati will be filled soon. So in 2018-2019 GSSSB Revenue Talati Recruitment 2018 for 1800+ vacancy will filled. Since last time Revenue Talati Recruitment 2016 total 3500+ vacancy are filled.
GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti Recruitment 2018
Name of organization: GSSSB
Name of post: Revenue Talati (mahesul Talati)
Total vacancy: 1800+
Pay scale: 19800 to 63,200/-
Age limit: 21 years to 35 years
Education qualification: 12th pass
Application fees: 100 rupees
Official website:
Revenue Talati exam materials (Revenue Talati old paper, Model paper, study materials, PDF etc):
Download GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 official Notification:
Revenue Talati Bharti Notification is not declared yet. As GSSSB board release official Notification for Gujarat Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 here we provide that Notification for download so you can easily download and apply for Revenue Talati Bharti 2018. But, in 2018 time to time new paripatra related to Revenue Talati Bharti 2018 declared. One of the is given below:

GSSSB Revenue Talati Bharti 2018
If GSSSB Revenue Talati class 3 Bharti 2018 related news or Notification declared then here we provide that Notification download link. So must visit website for more updates.
Revenue Talati syllabus for 1800+ Recruitment 2018:
Revenue Talati syllabus 2018 - Revenue Talati question paper contains 100 MCQ type questions each carry one marks. GSSSB Revenue Talati exam syllabus will be given below:
Download Revenue Talati syllabus 2018: click here
:Revenue Talati syllabus and Marks 2018:
Gujarati sahitya - 15 Marks
Gujarati vyakaran - 15 Marks
English grammar - 15 Marks
Maths/reasoning - 15 Marks
General knowledge and current affairs - 40 Marks
Total - 100 Marks
Time duration - 1 hour (60 minute)
GSSSB Revenue Talati Exam pattern 2018:
Revenue Talati exam pattern 2018 - GSSSB Revenue Talati Exam question paper is of multiple choice question based paper. In Revenue Talati question paper total 100 questions each carry one marks. So total number of marks is 100. For every wrong answers given in Revenue Talati Bharti negative marking system applied. Computer skill test will be taken after main exam to calibrate computer skill of candidates. Final merit list is based on main exam and computer test.
All the best for Revenue Talati exam 2018-2019...
Download Revenue Talati
syllabus 2018: click here
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