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Staff Selection Commission - SSC CHSL Syllabus Exam Pattern 2016-17, Check CHSL 10+2 Selection Process, New Syllabus Here

SSC CHSL Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Selection process 2016-17: Staff Selection Commission is going conduct Common Higher Secondary Level(CHSL) Tier-I and Tier-II examination in the January and April month 2017 respectively. For this big recruitment exam, candidates have started their preparations and they are doing hard work to crack this exam. Here we are going to provide SSC CHSL New Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Selection Process 2016-17 to support in your exam preparation. Recruitment process will be completed on the basis of written test and Skill test for the Data Entry Operator, Lower Division Clerk, Postal Assistant & Sorting Assistant(PA/SA) and Court Clerk. Check here SSC CHSL New exam pattern.

Selected candidates in written test will be called for skill test. There 5134 vacant posts for above mentioned post and large number of candidates applied for it.

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2016-17, Check SSC CHSL Syllabus, SSC 10+2 Syllabus and Selection Process

The latest updates about SSC CHSL LDC Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Selection process 2016-17has been included in our post. Candidates need to know about new pattern of SSC CHSL Exam for marvelous preparation of this compitative exam. Check SSC CHSL Court Clerk Exam Pattern, Syllabus, Selection process here.
SSC CHSL Selection Process 2016-17/Scheme of Examination
Name of ExaminationDateMarks
Computer Based Written Exam (Tier-I)07.01.2017- 05.02.201775 Minutes(Total)
Descriptive Paper(Tier-II)09.04.20171 Hour
Skill TestUpdate after Tier-I and Tier-IIAs per post

SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2016-17

Computer Based Examination(Objective Type Tier-I): The examination will consist in batches in a day.  
  • Timing for 2 Batches/day: Ist Batch timing: 10AM-11.15 AM and IInd Batch timing 4.15PM-5.30PM
  • Timing for 3 Batches/Day: 1st Batch: 10Am-11.15 AM, IInd Batch: 1.15PM-2.30PM and IIIrd Batch: 4.15PM-5.30PM.   
Negative Marking: 0.50 marks assigned to that question will be deducted for each wrong answer.  
PartSubjectNo of QuestionMaximum Marks
IEnglish Language2550
IIQuantitative Ability2550
IIIGeneral Awareness2550
IVGeneral Intelligence2550
Descriptive Paper (Tier-II): This paper of SSC CHSl exam contain the descriptive type paper of 100 marks and in One Hour duration. Candidates need to write Essay of 200-250 words and Letter/Application in 150-200 words.