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Ministry of Defence, Border Roads Organization(BRO) is inviting 2176 Male candidates for the posts like Multi Skilled Worker, Draughtsman and other posts

BRO Recruitment 2016: Ministry of Defence, Border Roads Wing, General Reserve Engineer Force, Border Roads Organization(BRO) is inviting 2176 Male candidates for the posts likeMulti Skilled Worker, Draughtsman and other posts. Interested and eligible male candidates can apply for any one of the posts. Indian Nations Male candidates need to send application form in prescribed within 45 days from the date of advertisement and 60 days from the date of notification for remote areas. The application form will be available at the official portal of BRO, i.e. bro.gov.in/. Border Roads Organization Recruitment 2016 has announced for only Male applicants having Indian Nationality.

Border Roads Organization has released this kind of the huge number of vacancy because of 15000 Kilometers long border to be secured through talented and self-motivated male candidates. So it is advised to candidates that they should check all the criteria and requirements are given below or you can also check from official notification of BRO Driver jobs 2016.
About Border Roads Organization: Border Roads Organization formerly known as BRO. This board develops and maintains road network in India Border. It was come into existence in the year 1960 in the month of May. There are officers Indian Army’s Corps of Engineers, Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, and Military Police working as staff.  
BRO Vacancy 2016 Details
Authority Name: Border Roads Organization
Number of Posts: 2176 vacancies
Official Website: bro.gov.in
Apply Mode: Offline
Pay Scale: Rs. 5200-20200 + Grade Pay Rs. 2800/-
Post Name:  
Name of PostsNo of Vacancies
Supervisor Nursing06
Hindi Typist08
Vehicle Mechanic133
Multi-Skilled Worker(Pioneer)203
Multi-Skilled Worker(Mess Waiter)16
Multi-Skilled Worker (Nursing Assistant)65
Multi Skilled Worker (Safaiwala)119
Multi-Skilled Worker (Driver Engine Static)384
Multi-Skilled Worker (Mason)154
Multi-Skilled Worker (Cook)330
Driver Mechanical Transport (Ordinary Grade)475
Driver Road Roller (Ordinary Grade)73
Operator Excavating Machinery (Ordinary Grade)139
BRO Recruitment 2016 Educational Qualification: Refer official notification for educational qualification post wise
Age Limit: Age limit and upper age relaxation details check in official notification.    
Important Dates
  • Date of Notification: 10.10.2016
  • Last Date for submitting an application: Within 45 days from the date of notification.
  • The last date to submit an application for remote areas: within 60 days from the date of advt.

BRO Recruitment 2016, Apply for 2176 Draughtsman, MSW, and Other various posts, Border Roads Organization Vacancy 2016

There are very large number of vacancies for various posts such as MSW, Vehicle Mechanic and much more. Those male candidates have willing to do the job in various states through BRO(Border Roads Organization). Female candidates are not applying for BRO MSW Recruitment 2016.
How to download BRO Vacancy 2016 Application Form  
Follow these instructions:-
  • Enter URL of official website,i.e. bro.gov.in
  • Click on “vacancies of Posts in BRO” from “Whats New” section in Homepage
  • There are five option- Details of vacancies, instructions, qualifications, syllabus and application form
  • Click on application form option and PDF file will open
  • Download it and take a printout to send application form
After download the application form, it must be reached at the office of BRO along with copies of certificate/documents for proof of residence, essential qualification, date of birth and caste certificate etc should be enclosed in envelope entitled as APPLICATION FOR THE POST OF ___________ CATEGORY UR/SC/ST/OBC, WEIGHTAGE PERCENTAGE IN ESSENTIAL QUALIFICATION ___________________ send to the given below address with 45 days from the release date of notification.
Postal Address
To The Commandant GRFF Center,Digital Camp, Pune-411015
Application Fee:
  • General candidates including Ex-Servicemen: Rs. 50/-
  • OBC candidates: Rs.50/-
  • SC/ST/ Physically Handicapped: No fee
Selection Procedure/ Recruitment Process: Selection process is made as per merit as per availability of posts: on the basis of Physical Test/ Written Test/Practical Test.
Note: The whole recruitment process will take minimum 10-15 days. Therefore applicants are advised to plan their stay.  
BRO Result 2016: Result of selected candidates will be displayed at bro.gov.in/.