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HNGU (Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University) CCC Exam Date 26-10-2016 to 29-10-2016 & 07-11-2016 Candidates List /Hall Ticket Available Now.

Hemchandracharya North Gujarat University has Published Important Notification of CCC Exam for Govt.Employes for date 26-10-2016 to 29-10-2016 & 07-11-2016  . HNGU conducts CCC exam throughout the state for the Government employees of Gujarat State.You can download / view HNGU CCC Exam Candidates List / Hall Ticket 26-10-2016 to 29-10-2016 & 07-11-2016 from below link.
Organization Name: HNGU
Exam Name: CCC
Exam Date: 26,27,28,29 Oct  & 07th Nov 206

HNGU CCC 29-10-2016 & 07-11-2016 Examination Schedule 2016 from below.
Examination Schedule CCC Examination : 2016
Batch No.    Examination DateExamination Time . Seat No. Range Download List
1) 45. 07/11/2016.   09:00 A.M.
1609002201-160902250 Batch-45
2) 44.  29/10/2016.  01:00 P.M.
1609002151-160902200 Batch-44
3) 43. 29/10/2016.  09:00 A.M.
1609002101-160902150.  Batch-43
4). 42. 28/10/2016.  01:00 P.M.
1609002051-160902100. Batch-42
5). 41 28/10/2016.  09:00 A.M.1609002001-160902050.  Batch-41
6) 40. 27/10/2016.  01:00 P.M.
1609001951-160902000. Batch-40
7) 39. 27/10/2016. 09:00 A.M.
1609001901-160901950. Batch-39
8) 38 26/10/2016.  01:00 P.M.
1609001851-160901900. Batch-38
9) 37 26/10/2016. 09:00 A.M.
1609001801-160901850. Batch-37
Download Your Hall Ticket : Click Here