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APPLY TODAY Department of Social Justice & Empowerment Published Notification For Various Posts 2016

The primary focus of the Department is to :
Empower people belonging to the backward sections of societies and have-nots including underprivileged people such as, old aged persons, orphan children, physically and mentally challenged persons etc, belonging to the Scheduled Castes, Socially and Educationally Backward Classes, Nomadic Tribes, Developing Castes, Minority class etc.,

Through implementation of various schemes meant for educational, social and economic up-liftment, provision of residential accommodation, health care etc through Scheduled Caste Sub-Plan schemes, Reservation Policy co-ordination etc. in order to ensure their empowerment through Social Justice, Economic Welfare, and Social Defense

After the establishment of Gujarat State, provision has been made for giving equal opportunities to all and special care has been taken for the development of the weaker classes of the Country without any discrimination in the guiding principles of the people welfare oriented Constitution of India. As mentioned in section-46 of the Constitution of India, special care shall be taken by the State Government for the educational development of weaker classes of the Country/Society especially Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes. Towards this, several schemes are being implemented for the development of Scheduled Castes of Gujarat State by the Director, Scheduled Caste Welfare.

The Schemes for Scheduled Castes are among the below mentioned Development Oriented Groups :
1. Educational Schemes,
2. Schemes for Economic Development,
3. Health, Housing Schemes
4. Other Welfare Schemes.

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for more info plz visit https://sje.gujarat.gov.in/
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